Our Services

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Roadside Maintenance


We maintain large sections of the Florida Turnpike from Hillsboro Canal to as far north as Kissimmee. This includes grass maintenance, trash pick up and weed eating with our crew.

Golf Courses


We are contracted out through different cities to maintain several over grown golf courses in South Florida. This includes grass maintenance to city ordinance.

Power Line Easements


Grass maintenance under power lines allows easy access for FPL to work on power lines.

Retention Areas


Grass and brush maintenance around retention areas and ponds. Our hand crew is able to weed eat the hard to reach areas.

Pasture & Lot Maintenance


We maintain several residentially owned pastures in the city of Wellington. We also maintain small vacant residential properties to keep to city code.

Debris & Trash Removal


Debris and brush removal is a part of some of our contracts. Small trees, brush, fencing, and trash are included in this area.